HUD Regulatory Agreements

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Standard Exception Topic


HUD Regulatory Agreements

Except to any low income housing agreement related to subsidized or insured multifamily financing.


Standard Exception Subtopic


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Low Income Housing Agreement

Terms and provisions of an agreement relating to low and moderate income housing, recorded __________________.
Comment: Except to any low income housing agreement related to subsidized or insured multifamily financing.

Standard Exception Subtopic


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Regulatory Agreement

Terms and provisions of regulatory agreement recorded __________.
Comment: Except to any regulatory agreement related to low income housing financing.

Schedule A

Standard Exception Subtopic


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Policy Schedule A

Additionally secured by and subject to the terms and provisions of the regulatory agreement recorded ________________.
Comment: The Company prefers not to refer to the regulatory agreement in Schedule A but instead to except to it in Schedule B. If you are requested to describe it in Schedule A, offer this language. Consult with the Company if you are requested to delete the phase “and subject to.”